Jagtap Screens designs and manufactures drum screens of size 500mm diameter to 3000mm diameter having slot sizes from 20 microns onwards.
Drum Screen are made in two major constructions IN-TO-OUT and OUT-TO-IN having circumferential or axial slots as per the application requirement.
Drum Screens are majorly used in Rotary drum screens for filtration and dewatering applications and solid-liquid separation in various industries.
- Sugar Raw Juice Filtration
- Effluent Water Filtration
- Solid Waste Separation
- Aquaculture Water Recirculation
- Municipal Waste Water Filtration
- Sand & Minerals Screening
Rotary Drum Screens are of 2 Types internal feed Drum screens and External Feed Drum Screens are available with an auto washing system.
Drum screens are available in wedge wire screen perforated and wire mesh filter media.

Rotary Drum Screens are also known as Trommel screens, Drum filters and Rotating screen filters.